task management, Notion

<aside> <img src="/icons/sign-out_purple.svg" alt="/icons/sign-out_purple.svg" width="40px" /> As an example, you need to draft blog post on productivity tips. So, you open chat with Hints Assistant on Telegram, WhatsApp or SMS, and write the following:

#notion Draft blog post on productivity tips. Tag work, priority high, due date is tomorrow.


**add tasks & comments to your database

#notion + message = Notion card** created! reply = comment added!

Your conversation in DM with Hints Assistant

Your conversation in DM with Hints Assistant

Your immediate result is within the connected Notion database.

Your immediate result is within the connected Notion database.

Hints Assistant identified properties in your Notion database: name, tag, priority, and due date. This information will appear as needed.

bug reports, Trello (our team’ use case)

<aside> <img src="/icons/bug_purple.svg" alt="/icons/bug_purple.svg" width="40px" /> To avoid spamming our main group chat on Telegram with bugs, we have created a separate chat for bug reports that is integrated with Trello board.


**report bugs & save conversations

#bug + message = Trello card** created! replies = comments saved!

Conversation with your colleagues and Hints Assistant in your work chat

Conversation with your colleagues and Hints Assistant in your work chat

Bug reported to Trello with all replies, including replies to replies.

Bug reported to Trello with all replies, including replies to replies.

content creation, Notion (our team’ use case)

<aside> <img src="/icons/pencil_purple.svg" alt="/icons/pencil_purple.svg" width="40px" /> To keep you updated on new features and product news, we save content ideas from a separate Telegram chat to a Notion production board.


You can copy our template for content creators here: hints.so/notion-templates/creators!

You can copy our template for content creators here: hints.so/notion-templates/creators!

capture ideas & save conversation

Conversation with your colleagues and Hints Assistant in your work chat

Conversation with your colleagues and Hints Assistant in your work chat

<aside> <img src="/icons/stars_purple.svg" alt="/icons/stars_purple.svg" width="40px" /> #idea + message = Notion card created! reply = comment saved!


Idea captured to Notion with all replies, including replies to replies.

Idea captured to Notion with all replies, including replies to replies.

Go to Hints.so and set up your personal or team AI assistant – Hints!