<aside> <img src="/icons/conversation_purple.svg" alt="/icons/conversation_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Let Hints manage your HubSpot pipeline on the go. Focus on sales, not data input.


1. create deals

By sending one message to Hints, you get created Salesforce deal:

<aside> 💬 Create new deal Microsoft Bill Gates [email protected]


From WhatsApp or SMS!

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2. update deals

Update it without opening Salesforce:

<aside> 💬 Change IBM budget to $50000


Hints update properties like Last Contacted, Amount, Close Date, Deal Probability, Next Step, and more.

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3**. send tasks**

Let Hints send tasks to your deals:

<aside> 💬 Call Jahn from IBM tomorrow


Stay on top of your tasks and ensure you don't miss any important action items!

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4. change stages

Hints can change your deal stage:

<aside> 💬 Move Microsoft to Demo Scheduled



5. add notes

Ask Hints to add notes during calls.

<aside> 💬 Add a note to IBM: Meeting went great. I’m waiting for the final approval



6. retrieve info

Easily retrieve tasks, contacts or any information from your deals:

<aside> 💬 Show my tasks for today


<aside> 🤖 Here are your tasks:
