video explainer
core features
– create deals and contacts – update deals – add tasks – change stages – retrieve info
<aside> <img src="/icons/conversation_purple.svg" alt="/icons/conversation_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Chat with Hints in your messaging app's DMs.
🎙️: Voice messages to Hints Assistant are accurately transcribed by Open AI's advanced Whisper ASR system. Once your message has been transcribed, our bot, which leverages the power of GPT-4, gets down to business deciphering your intent. Try this advanced feature and welcome a new level of productivity and ease into your workflow!
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> WhatsApp
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> SMS
<aside> <img src="/icons/conversation_purple.svg" alt="/icons/conversation_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Let Hints manage your HubSpot pipeline on the go. Focus on sales, not data input.
Creating a Deal:
Create a new deal Microsoft, budget 2 million USD, stage Demo, owner Sarah
Updating a Deal:
Update the Microsoft deal, set the close date next Friday, and change the owner to Mark.
Creating a Company:
Create a new company Unilever, domain:, owner Mark.
Updating a Company:
Update the company Unilever, change the owner to Sarah
Creating a Contact:
Create a new contact John Doe, email: [email protected], phone 123-456-7890, lifecycle stage: Lead, owner Sarah.
Updating a Contact:
Update John Doe, set the phone number to 987-654-3210 and the lifecycle stage to Customer.
Creating a Task:
Create a new task: Follow up with John from Microsoft, the due date is the next Friday
Updating a Task:
Update the task: Follow up with John, mark it as completed, and change the due date to 2023-07-22.